The World Wide Web is a large and impressive playground where I enjoy spending time. Various elements are interesting. This section started as part of the school newspaper whilst still at high school and was also on the newspaper's website which I was in charge of maintaining.
This section contains 56 articles.
Comments on the name of the Student Newspaper.
About pre-fetching web content
Hotmail using an e-mail client
About Hotmail Express, software to access Hotmail
Surfing The World Wide Waves, a weekly article, problems with e-mail security
How not to make it too easy for hackers to read your e-mails
Which E-mail Account Should I Take
Hotmail, Geocities, Yahoo, a few of the options in the early days of the Web
Spam: Advertising Without Polluting
It was better than junk mail
In the Early days of the web we created free webpages thanks to services like Geocities. This would eventually be simplified until we arrived at today's result. Facebook and twitter are grandchildren of Geocities.
ICQ was an instant messaging application that allowed you to speak with people. We could search for people by age, sex and location. It was an early precursor to social networks.
Video Compression and the World Wide Web
During the late 90s to early zeros(noughties) I tested Realmedia, Windows Media, animated gif and more. It's from these tests that my hatred for animated gifs stemmed. Anim gifs gave the worst quality, and they were heavier than alternative codecs.
Ancient Worlds, Ancient Worlds, an online community about Ancient civilizations
Ancient Worlds was a social network ahead of it's time. It had cities like Rome, Athens and others. It was a social network for fans of history.
SETI@HOME introduced many of us to the concept of Grid Computing. Today this technology is being used to find a cure to COVID-19 and other research projects
1st Page 2000 was an editing software package by EVRSOFT.
Computers playing with our emotions
For today's vloggers recording video on a mobile device or SD card is simple and intuitive, but back in the early days of video editing on Non-linear editing systems we had to content with capture card compatibilities and more.
Nainwak is a web based computer games that we could play online. It still exists today and you can still play.
The Flipside is one of the first online communities I joined and I enjoyed conversing with people across Europe.
Like The Flipside was a web forum where we could chat. The website no longer exists
More writing about capture cards
Writing about EuroDataGrid's early days
TelecomWorld2003 was a fascinating event where I learned a lot about the future of the industry
It's fun to read this article, just to see what we thought highspeed was.
A quick summary of what I learned at this event
The idea was to get mobile phones to become pico-cells, to transmi and receive from each other, rather than from cell towers
One of my old mobile phones
Writing about WiFi when it was still novel
Earth Station Five was a peer to peer music sharing app.
In December of 2003 Tim Berners Lee was knighted for his pioneering work to create the World Wide Web.
Link Validator is still around today.
When the World Wide Web was still young peer to peer sharing played an important role in the sharing of big files. Podcasts, videos and music could be shared as long as a group of people were seeding bits of the entire file.
Although mondane in the age of Zoom, and other video conferencing apps it was interesting to have software to upload an image at a set interval automatically.
A collection of online games. We could play baseball with a yeti hitting a bat at a penguin and more
A precursor to Digg and other website ranking websites.
Blinking lights on the back of a phone to write in the air
At the time these videos demonstrated Flash technology. Today they're on YouTube.
The \"Weather\" app for Nainwak.
They were doing some interesting things at the time. They provided telemetry and more.
Part of the KDE Linux software package
Another article about BitTorrent.
Peer To Peer Radio station.
At the time when I wrote this I was excited by the thought of being able to use AVID for free, for learning purposes
Warzabidul and Version 4.0 de Kraland
Some articles I wrote as my Kraland character an interesting way to connect to the web
At the time I was excited by the idea that we could get Rumantsch content on the Web.
Taking video with mobile phones
At the time we were shooting 360p videos and the quality was bad, but it gave us a taste of what would become normal within a few years
I returned to University as a mature Student.
A way to make people lose money. The website no longer exists
Skype - chatting to friends more cheaply
Writing about free audio conversation when it was still novel.
An online community that would then be bought by Google.
The future of television watching
Writing about PVRs when they were still new.
Picasa 2 and Hello from Google
Picasa is one of the many Google Projects that I loved but that they discontinued. It was a photo management solution for your desktop. Now we just have Google Photos
The Evolution of Online living
Writing about The Year of The Blog.
Mapping Bloggers in London.
In the days of Google Reader and other RSS aggregators we would read hundreds or thousands of articles from sources we chose. Today people use Twitter for that purpose.
Project Gothenburg Proofreading
If you like reading old texts and traveling back in time then Distributed Readers is an interesting project.
Discussion forums, an alternative to chats
For current content visit my blogThis section of my website was last updated on: 25/01/2005.