WordPress.com and the Fediverse

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I keep seeing articles and posts about how WordPress is on the Fediverse now via the plugin. This is half true. You can write blog posts and they will appear on the Fediverse. What they fail to mention is that those blog posts can have comments, on the Fediverse, but not on WordPress. If you see a post, and you comment once, then that comment cannot be answered via wordpress, but it can’t be interacted with via Wordpress. To interact with an interaction on Wordpress you would need to create an account that has two way synching.

At the moment Fediverse/WordPress integration is unilateral. It works more like RSS or an atom feed than a full fledged Fediverse instance.


I would love for WordPress to be a fully functional blogging instance on the Fediverse where we can post and have conversations like we do with a full fledged mastodon server. The reason I pay for a Fediverse instance, and am experimenting with a Raspberry Pi and Mastodon is that I want to integrate a long form blogging instance, with the option to have conversations. Some Mastodon instances allow us to write one thousand character posts. Others allow long form blogging, and micro-blogging in a single package. This is interesting. It allows people to be short and succinct, or verbose and long winded.

A Quick WordPress.com Test

I ran a quick test to see if WordPress.com blogs react the same way as privately managed blogs do and they do. You can read a comment, but if you comment to a comment on WordPress blogs they will not be seen in the Fediverse. I see this as a big limitation. This requires you to have your blog account, and a second account to comment to what people have said about your blog, or thoughts.

And Finally

What I loved was the potential. What I see is that the project has fallen short by not getting commenting to be two way yet. This would place WordPress in league with Mastodon, Firefish and other fediverse instances. For now it needs some embellishment.