I keep seeing articles and posts about how WordPress is on the Fediverse now via the plugin. This is half true. You can write blog posts and they will appear on the Fediverse. What they fail to mention is that those blog posts can have comments, on the Fediverse, but not on WordPress. If you see a post, and you comment once, then that comment cannot be answered via wordpress, but it can’t be interacted with via Wordpress.
Twitter and Reddit want to charge people to use their API despite already wanting people to pay them directly. Twitter decided to drive users away and make itself more expensive. As a result of this the website is imploding, rather than thriving. Yesterday I read that Reddit, too, wanted to charge users to access its API and whilst this may make sense to some, it’s absurd. It’s absurd because Twitter and Reddit can already charge their users directly for use.
Today I opened YouTube, looked at the choice of videos and thought “I don’t feel like watching any of this content because of its headlines”, whilst eating lunch. Instead, I tried something less habitual. I opened the podcast app on my laptop and looked for videos that might be interesting.
I ended up watching one about air pollution in Geneva. I found the use of drones flying over Geneva interesting because I’m not allowed to fly in Geneva due to it being within a five-kilometer radius of Geneva but also because it’s a populated area and it’s illegal to fly over people without authorisation.
With my love for the short form Snackr is a welcome addition to my world as an easy way to keep an eye on rss feeds. It’s a ticker box that scrolls all the latest articles. You can choose whether you whether you want every post over the past day to a week. So far it’s been easy to use.