
The Mindful Duck of Gosocial

I understand Meetup, GoSocial, Facebook Events and other event based social networks. The one that I don’t understand is GoSocial. It’s a social event network that has visibility on Facebook but you can’t comment, and chat rooms for Geneva, Lausanne and other places. Instead of creating an event where everything is visible with ease, as with Glocals,, Facebook events and other social networks it is a pig’s breakfast of one chatroom per event, and a list that is manually updated for participation that is only visible when you’re already included within the chat when it’s updated.

Walking Through Mud

In normal times we can walk along clean paths, without walking through the mud because we can walk within a meter or two of people. During a pandemic though, the recommendation is to be at least two meters from people. Many agricultural paths are not that wide, especially when people walk two or more abreast. This means that if we’re walking alone either we have to give in to not respecting the two meter rule or we walk in the mud, fields, or other.

Watching clouds form as a 360 timelapse

Time-lapse videos are fun because we can see something happen faster or slower than real time. By watching this content we gain a better understanding of the world and how it works. For years I have been filming time-lapses and the results can be fun. In some cases we record time-lapses with video cameras and at other times we set an interval timer to take pictures every so many seconds. In this post you will be watching clouds form as a 360 timelapse.

Ocean Gravity

None divers will never experience that feeling of weightlessness and flying. They found a place with a strong ocean current and let it drag them along under water to give the notion of flight.


OUTLINES from Goovinn on Vimeo. Talking about moving to professional base jumping

Back to Solitude

Playing with your sense of time and logic. ‘Back to Solitude’ (2011) from Joschka Laukeninks on Vimeo.

From Mobile to train station display live.

If this isn’t a hoax then this is pretty fun. A guy claims to have hacked into the video display at a train station and is streaming live.

Like An Airport

Most of the rooms are empty and cars are parked everywhere. That’s because today is the penultimate day of halls and everyone is leaving. Tomorrow at 10am all rooms should have been evacuated for the cleaning services to come and prepare the rooms for the summer groups. It feels like me like waiting for a plane, everything is packed and there’s not much to do until tonight’s party. The bedroom is cleaned and stuff is packed.

A Snowboard On The Right Foot And Ski On The Left.

I just remembered that I had a strange dream this morning. I was with some friends catching a telesiège and for some reason, I had a snowboard on one foot and a ski on the other. I had hurried to get ready as my friends were already near the remontée mechanique. It was a low altitude resort I think because there were a few trees although the powder was quite nice.