
Watching Films Again

During the pandemic I became unable to listen to podcasts, watch television series and watch films. Each of these media reminded me of how dreadfully my existence had become during the pandemic. Instead of watching films and television series I listened to tech podcasts and watched people play computer games. The reason for this was simple. It didn’t remind me of my loneliness so it was bearable. I was watching people play GTA V and a few other games, before eventually losing interest and watching other content.

Of Films, Music Festivals and Mad Max

One of the greatest problems with music festivals is that they can be noisy until three or four am for days in a row. This means that sleep is affected. It is because sleep patterns are altered that it is the perfect excuse to watch several hours of television a night for several days in a row. Usually I try to be disciplined. I try to watch one or two episodes of two or three shows, and then head to sleep.

Pandemic Solitude and Existential Crises

During a recent walk I thought about existential crises and the pandemic. I thought that it’s a shame that we spend so much time speaking about depression rather than looking for a new reason for being, a new existential identity, or goal in life. We treat the search for a new identity, due to the pandemic as if it is a depressive moment but I think this is wrong. The pandemic has changed whether we can socialise, and how we socialise.

The Sunday Run

This morning I decided to go for a run, rather than studying or doing other things. I ran along one of my usual routes thinking that it would be quiet but it wasn’t. Groups of people walking two to three abreast, or more were blocking different roads so I deviated through fields, turned around or rerouted. Out of pandemic I would have spent weekends doing things with people so I would have been one of those people doing something with others.

How To Be A Realistic Optimist During a LockDown.

During the first lockdown in March I believed in the rationality and logic of others to help bring a pandemic to a close within a reasonable amount of time. Now that we’re in the Post-Christmas and New Year lockdown I feel that the likelihood of a normal summer is low. That’s why I need to write something satirical. Ignore the Irrationality of Others By believing that people understand how pandemics work, and by trusting that people will do their best to keep safe, and avoid any and all risks, to bring the pandemic to a close within four weeks we can think of the latest lockdown as a four week holiday.

Day 65 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland - Coping with Solitude

Coping with solitude is one of the challenges that we, people who live alone, are going to become familiar with. It’s 65 days since I’ve had skin to skin contact, sixty-five days since I’ve given or received a hug. It’s sixty-five days since I’ve had a meal with anyone. Happiness, whilst entirely and easily accomplished, is all about adjusting our goals and aspirations to remain positive, and even find happiness. As it’s lunchtime, and it’s Tuesday, I should be going to get food for the upcoming week but I don’t have the positivity to do that at this instant.

Day 45 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland - The Need For Outdoor Exercise.

This aftrnoon reminded me of the need for outdoor exercise. I was feeling lazy and unmotivated to go outdoors. I thought that the rain would come back during my walk, as it did during my scooter ride, and as it did yesterday. I checked the weather app and I saw that we should have good weather until tomorrow so I took advantage to go for my walk. This time I was light.