
A Pi5, WordPress and ClasssicPress

Last night I started to install wordpress on the Pi5 and I got it to work. I then started to install ClassicPress via the ClassicPress switchtoclassicpress plugin and got blocked. I was blocked because in order for WordPress to update plugins, themes and wordpress it needs to have access to itself via FTP. That’s when I stopped for the night. VSFTPD This morning I installed vsftpd and the first part went well.

Learning by Blogging

A few days ago I was asked once again why I wore two watches and I gave the usual answer of “this is my GPS watch and that is my Smartwatch”. People still fail to understand so I elaborate and that’s where I saw that blogging is useful. When you write blog posts daily, for weeks, months, or even years in a row you get into the habit of elaborating on thoughts.