To the Rhone and Back

Today I cycled for three hours. I cycled to the Rhone and back along cycling lanes. Initially I had planned on a little 20km loop but because of dog walkers walking with their dogs, off of leash, I decided to ride along the road for a bit, before joining the voie verde again at the lac De Divonne. 

I lost the Voie Verte for a bit, but then I rejoined it and this time I followed it not just to the village where I planned to turn back into Switzerland but further. I cycled towards Ferney Voltaire before going towards Meyrin, and from Meyrin I cycled around the back of Geneva, along bike routes. I was exploring the roads that I usually do not cycle along. 

Normally I cycle in the afternoon, but by cycling in the afternoon you usually have more traffic. I decided to go in the morning, to avoid that traffic and for the most part it worked. The roads were quiet and I had the pleasure of cycling along some good cycling routes. There are some nice cycling paths where cars are not allowed, if you ride around Geneva. 

I liked crossing the Rhone. Usually where I cycle we have streams, lakes and rivers, but not “fleuves”. It is nice to explore. 

I love cycling. I hate cars and how they behave towards cyclists, which is why cycling lanes are so liberating, when they are available. With cycling lanes we can enjoy our bike rides without living in fear of what drivers are doing.
The bike ride, rather than being the usual 30-40 kilometres was a full 74 kilometres. That’s twice the distance I normally cycle in a day so I feel tired as a result of the ride. It tired me so deeply that I had a siesta or two, to recover, before writing this blog post. 

Cycling is a fun sport. If it was possible to do the sport, without so many cars I would. I enjoy it.