High Winds And A Skipped Walk

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richard - Jan 0, 2022

Last year I did walk in the dark, with a head lamp. I did see animal eyes staring back at me sometimes. It isn’t that pleasant. Normally I would use rain as an excuse not to walk but as it never rains I had to settle for a windy day.

Yep yep on the early sunset-daily walk problem, as I’m having it as well at the moment. I love to walk at least half an hour, at minimum, to get outside and get some exercise and open air, but these short winter days make it difficult. I’ve got a few goals/deadlines I’m working on at the moment, so I’m trying to meet daily targets to stay on track, and by the time I prioritize those to-dos, it’s typically just too darn dark for a walk. Unless, that is, I either want to walk in the cold-and-dark (I do not) or I want to walk and then come back not really motivated to get my work done (and at the moment, I don’t want that, either!).