
New Section

House Keeping To keep things tidy I have added a new section to the blog. The old posts are in the posts archive section and the current blog posts are in the blogs folder. This is to spend less time scrolling up and down the lists of posts. I am still thinking about how best to organise things on this static part of the website.

Experimenting With Hugo As A Blog

Converting This Blog To Hugo On Saturday I converted my blog from WordPress to Hugo as an experiment and it went quite well. I downloaded the xml file and then I converted that xml with blog2md to go from xml to md pages. A page was created for every single blog post. This took a while. I now have my blog both as static pages, and as a wordpress blog.

From Instagram Archive to PHP Website

Three years ago I stopped using Instagram because I was tired of seeing influencers and adverts rather than by the people I chose to follow. The cherry on the cake, that pushed me to dump Instagram is when they changed the location of the Post button from the left corner to the top right and changed the default from photo to story. For ten years or more I used instagram and shared photos, and I enjoyed capturing at least an image or two every single day.

Playing with the Hugo With An Old Site

For a few days I have been playing with Hugo with Markdown and HTML pages. It says that it is “the world’s fastest framework for building websites” and so far I do notice that it has a key strength that I like. Front Matter That strength is that with small modifications you can take an existing static website and make it dynamic. Hugo requires that each page has Front Matter. Front matter is:

Updating Old HTML Webpages

Most websites are simple. They have five to ten pages at most but usually a single page is enough. Most pages are about one specific thing, whether it’s a CV inspired page to find new clients or a simple page with a few products. Most are usually about a single topic. This makes website maintenance and design simple, because one theme fits every page. My website is different. It has articles about the Romans, Geography, Environmental Studies, old student newspaper articles, Media studies pages and more.

Learning About Laravel and PHP

Today I started to follow a course where someone turns a static html page into a Laravel blog. I experimented with home.blade and one or two other features and I got two pages to load, and the login to work, without more than that. What makes today’s learning and experimenting interesting is that the time I spent creating PHP arrays for my website content is now easy to transfer to json files for use with dynamic websites.

Conservation and PHP

Today I have struggled with PHP. I struggled because I want to recreate the same table using loops with PHP as I did formatting with HTML. If I wasn’t up for a challenge I would let PHP loops format it according the default and I’d be done. In the end I did get the table to display as I wanted but not using for loops. I created a table page, laid it out using the data file I’ve been using for this section, and then using include to add that content where I wanted it to be on the page.

Planning A New Section For My Website.

Today I’ve spent time looking at the website earnings and I’ve seen that with just a few minutes of work I’ve doubled the earnings from my website. I’m not going into the details at the moment but since I seem to be doing nothing productive I’m going to re-work my website to increase my earnings. Four hundred and sixty visitors passthrough this website with about a million six hundred hits of which most visitors, through search engines get straight to the page they want.

On Trendio My Portfolio Is Doing Well

Mariuca - May 5, 2007 Hi Richard, wow you’ve been busy! Congrats on completing your dissertation! I bet you’ll do great and all the best to you :) :)

On Trendio My Portfolio Is Doing Well

 If you love reading the news and seeing what’s going on around the world then Trendio is an interesting site for you. I looked at the events that are going to take place and whether Trendio already has them listed. If it does then I decided to buy some stock for those words and as their quantity increases so it means I will get some income. Knowing that the French elections would take place I bought stock in two of the key elements to see by how much they would increase.