From the way people write about Github you would believe that everything has to pass through it, for anything to work but after some trial and error I found this to be a misconception.
I found that with GIT-FTP on Github I could upload and download files to a website after each git update. I learned this through following instructions for another workflow. I followed these instructions but because I use disroot rather than github the workflow didn’t work for me.
For those who want to use Hugo, but find post creation and management complicated there is a FrontMatter plugin that should help. This is a plugin that makes it easy to create new posts in the category of your choice. It automatically creates the title, description field, that you need to populate, date, preview, draft status, tags and categories. It displays each post as a block and you can see within seconds whether a post is published, or just a draft.
Most websites are simple. They have five to ten pages at most but usually a single page is enough. Most pages are about one specific thing, whether it’s a CV inspired page to find new clients or a simple page with a few products. Most are usually about a single topic.
This makes website maintenance and design simple, because one theme fits every page. My website is different. It has articles about the Romans, Geography, Environmental Studies, old student newspaper articles, Media studies pages and more.
Sometimes we experiment and play with technology. The clock below is an SVG clock using SVG and Canvas technology to display local time. Doing it with these two technologies was easier than with JavaScript. The code doesn’t require calculating thousandths of a second like another clock I tried. The tutorial to make this clock is here: W3 Canvas Clock.
var canvas = document.getElementById(“canvas”); var ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”); var radius = canvas.
Google Chrome was misbehaving recently so I started to explore other browsers. By explore I mean try browsers that I had used plenty of times in the past. As I did this I came across Firefox Developer Edition.
Firefox Developer Edition is fun because it allows you to see everything that’s going on. If you’re studying HTTP headers then you can watch that traffic. If you’re trying to evaluate which parts of a page are loading slowly you can see that.
During this Pandemic, I have decided to study Web Development and I am slowly making my way through one or two Linkedin Learning Pathways. In the process, I have learned about CSS, PHP, JavaScript ECMAScript2016, Frameworks and more.
The course I have studied are:
Angular Essential Training / React.js Essential Training / Git Essential Training / Learning ECMAScript 6 /Node.js Essential Training / Javascript Essential Training / RubyonRails Essential Training / CSS Essential Training / Ruby Essential Training : 1 The Basics / Installing and Running Ruby On Rails 5: Mac / Programming Foundations: Web Security /PHP with MySQL / Essential Training 1 and 2 /PHP Essential Training / Programming Foundations: Databases / Responsive Layout / HTML Essential Training / Introduction to CSS and CSS Essential Training.