Here we have @sizemore speaking about why he organised the first London tweetup. I will upload some of the other interviews soon but I’m just checking the player embedding first
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An American in France - Jan 1, 2009
You blog is gorgeous. I will be back to this blog. I have a blog about France, which is my baby right now. -melaniekraus from twitter
Glad you like it :-), I’ll spend time looking at yours, watching a documentary at the moment.
One of my biggest frustrations at the moment as a user of twitter is that I can’t meet with the people I chat with on a regular basis. As a result of this I am trying to find as many Geneva based twitter users as possible to organise a tweetup. There are two options, the first is to do it at the same time as twestival but that is one event that I personally want to have nothing to do with.
snowbroader - Jan 1, 2009
Hey Richard,
Do you know when the Geneva event is planned?
For the moment I am planning on going to Zurich for the twitter dinner. It’s the first Zurich twitter event I go to and it will be interesting whether I need to speak swiss german or whether my English and French will help make conversation a little simpler. I don’t exchange messages with many Zurich twitter users so it will be quite different from the London events where I had exchanged so many messages.
richard - Sep 5, 2008
i always wake up early after a good night out. Enjoying the fresh air today :-). What time did you end up leaving last night?
It was lovely last night, I’m surprised your up and logging so early today though…you had quite a bit to drink ;-) Maybe Trafalgar Square has that effect on you!
Well it all ended in tears for me actually as I was locked out of the flat and was pretty stranded til my boyfriend actually woke up and let me in…about 2am.
The first tweetup I went to saw a crowd of no more than sixty people. The twestival had many more. Enough to fill the Doon club. So many new faces but not many new people to follow. It’s fun to see how big the London twitter community has become. The usual people were there, sizemore, loudmouthman, documentally, danacea weaverluke and a few new faces like digitalmaverick, amandita, Poppyd and a few more people.
Interesting Posts Around the Web - Jan 11th | Interesting Observations - Jan 5, 2008
[…] Ten Thousand Tweets @ […]
[…] just read a fascinating post from Richard Azia, where he described some of his thoughts having recently Tweeted 10,000 times (in under a year!). […]
I left a comment here a few hours ago; I wonder if there was a technical hiccup, since it is now gone. Any idea what happened to it?
Yesterday afternoon I arrived at a milestone point, ten thousand tweets on twitter. That’s After less than a year of using the website. To me it’s replaced the university bar for two reasons. The first of these reasons is I’m now a graduate so there’s not much point in going to that bar anymore. The second reason is the organic way in which you create a network of contacts. When you first arrive in twitter it’s a scary place.