
Trendio And a Nice Increase

I’m still playing with trendio and I’ve had a nice increase over the past week with the stock value. It’s not monetary but I have finally started to make some “profit”. It’s gone up by 16 percent in a week. I need to keep it increasing more so I need to keep watching to see which are the best words to get.

On Trendio My Portfolio Is Doing Well

Mariuca - May 5, 2007 Hi Richard, wow you’ve been busy! Congrats on completing your dissertation! I bet you’ll do great and all the best to you :) :)

On Trendio My Portfolio Is Doing Well

 If you love reading the news and seeing what’s going on around the world then Trendio is an interesting site for you. I looked at the events that are going to take place and whether Trendio already has them listed. If it does then I decided to buy some stock for those words and as their quantity increases so it means I will get some income. Knowing that the French elections would take place I bought stock in two of the key elements to see by how much they would increase.

Trendio - A Word-Based Stock Exchange

I’ve just started playing with Trendio which seems like an interesting website. In the past i’ve played on websites where you’re playing the stockmarket with virtual money and you can see how you’re doing without the risk of bankrupcy usually associated with investment. I’ve only been using it a few hours now and I have yet to make a profit on the search terms but over a short amount of chance there is a chance that I will make virtual credit.