Short Film

D-Day Film archives on Facebook

Yesterday D-Day Film Archives were shared on Facebook. These film archives were of landing crafts landing troops on the beaches, of battleships firing rocket salvos at the coast, of gliders being pulled by planes, of paratroopers getting and more. Over the years films have been preserved by transferring the footage from one film stock to another and then transferred from film to tapes. The problem with film and tape is that they are stored in a physical location that only archivists have access to.

Watching independent film rather than mainstream cinema

When I saw the Wired headline below I was happily going to say that I haven’t been to see a film at the cinema in years but that isn’t strictly true. As you have seen from my blog I have been an active appreciator of independent films. I was at FIFAD earlier this month and I was at the Montagne En Scène a few months ago. I have been to a few film screenings at the Graduate institute among other places.

A Nonverbal Autism Video Interview

I saw Horyou share a link to Speechless with Carly Fleischmann. This is a Nonverbal Autism Video Interview carried out via typed words on a tablet.  The text is read out electronically. The interview is warm and convivial. It stands out because it does not use a fast talking or energetic host. The interviewer does not talk, in the conventional sense. They could easily have inter-titles rather than synthesised voice.

Flowing water - a visual experiment

Flowing Water - A visual experiment is a simple one minute video. The first images were filmed at the Arboretum in the Jura and the timelapses show clouds playing above the Jura near La Dôle. La Dôle is where the doppler radar is located. That radar shows rainfall and precipitation so that air traffic controllers can advise pilots of weather conditions. With the amount of rain that has fallen over the last six or more weeks every river is full of water.


Mountain biking is a sport that is growing in popularity. We see that technology is keeping up with the riders. Between suspension, specialist tires and safety equipment the sport has had the freedom to become more adventurous. Bigger jumps, more travel, stronger components all allow the sport to become more extreme. Usually there are three ways to get to the top of a mountain. The first option is to ride up but with a mountain bike that can be tiring.

A temptation to go diving.

It makes me want to go diving again. Now that summer is over the lakes should be better. Visibility should have improved.

First World War Via Ferrata and the tunnels dug by soldiers.

For two years I have been doing research to find as much information as possible on the topic of via ferrata. Visiting the via ferratas which date back to the 1914-18 war would be interesting. In this short video recording we see some of the tunnels dug in to the mountain as well as where soldiers would have slept. Via ferrata is not just a sport to see nice landscapes. Historic exploration is also possible.

The Decelerators

The Decelerators from Mark Slutsky on Vimeo. An interesting look at life and the moment that people choose to remain in. They say that it’s about time, but for me it’s about a sentiment. It’s about life and how it continues and as everyone else reaches their stop we feel that we are left alone. It is not about solitude but rather about finding the moment that we want to preserve.

Refuge - a dystopia

REFUGE from MKSHFT/CLLCTV on Vimeo. Refuge, a dystopia.