
Happiness and Social Media

It is the turn of the Washington Post to discuss whether people are happier after leaving social media. As with every other article I have skimmed on the topic it discusses addiction and more without discussing the reason for which social media might be bad for one’s mental health. Remember that social networks, discussion groups, and collaborating with people in different rooms, countries, timezones is normal, and has been for decades.

Video Editing And Social Media

In the past if you wanted to be a video editor you also needed to be a camera operator, and to be a camera operator you needed to be a video editor. By knowing both skills you shot good material because you knew how hard bad material was to use. As a result of this videos were worth watching with all of our attention. In recent years, there has been a move towards multimedia editing, where you don’t expect people to watch the video while sitting in front of a TV.

Day 46 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Contemplating A Walk In The Rain

It’s raining hard today and I’m still contemplating a walk in the rain. It should allow for some different photographs than usual. If I go to the motorway then I can photograph the vortices of wind behind trucks dragging up water from the road. If I go for my daily walk when it’s raining as hard as it is today I think It might make sense to wear shorts although I have no good option for my feet.

Replacing FaceBook with, Replacing the past with the present and the future

I have had a account since I was using yahoo as my primary e-mail provider. For years my account was dormant because activities that I were interested in were either in another country or at a time when I could not participate. Recently I have found that activities are at times when I can participate. As a result of this I am building a new network of people to climb with.

Ridley Scott is exploring an idea discussed by Dziga Vertov several decades ago

Disclaimer: These are thoughts, rather than a well structured post. Ridley Scott wants your user generated videos for a film “A Day on Earth” and whilst people are hyping this idea as something new the concept is an old one. Dziga Vertov had an idea that he would capture Life Unawares. Eventually he would end up with an experiment in six reels called “The Man with the Movie camera”. It’s aim was to show Soviet Russia as it was.

Seesmic video and HTML 5

Remember the video version of seesmic, the one that spawned.the francofous? Things changed for two reasons. Bandwidth issues and ressources. Flash would suck down the laptop battery within a few minutes. It meant that you could.only Seesmic from a fixed position. With html5 that problem will dissapear. What I look forward to is an HTML 5 optimized version. It could result in a greater number of users on less powerful machines.

A "Transcribe this" button for seesmic videos

Something I would love to see on Seesmic, and which would encourage me to use it more is a “transcribe this” button for when I record certain videos. The logic is simple. Sometimes we discuss things that we would like to see discussed but not everyone wants to listen to us explain our idea. That’s why it would be a nice feature. As an add on you could then add that video to your blog, with a transcript for quick and practical reference.

Twhirl and video recording

Loic Le Meur yesterday released Twhirl to anyone willing to give their name and e-mail address. As a result I am using the latest version of twhirl and it finally offers the ability to record straight from twhirl. That means you can record video straight from twhirl. No more web interface. Of course some credit should go to Critter and Seesmicair. His project became a reality.

Le meur, Seesmic and some images

Whilst everyone that was present at the Paris Seesmeetup has gone home to their day to day lives the images taken are still doing the rounds. I noticed that two of my images were included in Loic Le meur’s blog. Normally all the Francofous should be able to name every shown. Can you? Looking forward to many more seesmeetups to come.