At the moment I feel myself drifting away from Facebook because although I like seeing the hikes that people share and the potential groups I could join I do not like the leadership of that site. I also muted the two whatsapp groups that I follow from GoSocial because I want to go back to not using Whatsapp again, because it also belongs to Facebook. Finally although I liked the Threads community I feel myself drifting from that too, because I’m tired of seeing so much junk in my timeline.
Threads, in theory is a social network but in practice it is a popularity contest driven by algorithms. Normal people are competing against influencers to be seen. You are more likely to find a troll than someone interested in what you have to write, or what you think.
More often than not you will see posts with 21,000 followers, a thousand comments, and several thousand likes. When a post does get 5000 views you will get very little conversation.
People on FB have pigeon holed me as negative, and don’t understand why I am this way. The reality is that I believe the algorithms highlight when I am negative, rather than positive. I also think that there is a certain amount of bias against me. I post plenty of positive things but I think algorithms hide them or the subconscious does.
A Temporary Shift to Threads Since women, who are mothers, and may never be alone for the rest of their lives think that I am too negative on FB I will take a network from that anti-social network, to experiment with threads.
Chloe Gilbert - 7 Jan, 2018
I’m finding that I’m doing the same these days. Twitter has become a torrent of noise and nobody seems to be really conversing these days. I had a lot of value out of early Twitter, and made some good friends as well as getting support for things like programming and events etc. Lately as you say it’s become useless. Facebook for me was always a way of keeping in touch with close friends and family, as well as getting support and organising events.
Finding time for Long Form Writing This morning I read twenty percent of a book whilst sitting in the car waiting for shops to open. In the process I occasionally looked up to see private jets and airlines fly over me. A few years ago in the same situation I would have been staring at my phone. I would have been refreshing twitter and Facebook looking for conversations. These days social media marketers and others are using social media as if they were Really Simple Syndication feeds, RSS.