
EV Charging around Signy and Nyon

Yesterday morning I plugged the car in to charge at Signy Centre while shopping and for the price of a coffee I charged the car by ten percent. I then went to the lakeside of Nyon to test the Service Industriel de Nyon (SIN) chargers and failed. They were out of service so I drove towards Chavannes Centre because I thought of using their chargers until I realised that by the time the car is charged I would be driving through rush hour traffic.

Wake Up and Run Nyon

Yesterday the town of Nyon posted about the Wake Up and Run event that is taking place tomorrow so I felt like signing up until I saw that it costs 38 CHF, and then I changed my mind, temporarily. Eventually I thought “This is in Nyon so it’s local, so I could meet local people”. I also thought “well, if it includes breakfast and a t-shirt then it could be worthwhile after all.

From Nyon to Yvoire by Bike and Back By Boat

If you’re looking for a cycling project and you live near Nyon then I would suggest taking the bike along the lake road from Nyon through Crans, Coppet, and beyond towards Geneva, and when you get to Geneva following the 46 signalisation for the cycling route. There are moments when it is not as clearly indicated but for the most part it is. Cycle Path from Nyon to Geneva The advantage of this route is that from Nyon to Geneva you are nicely seperated from traffic.

Spring Watch

Magnolias in Nyon

The Léman Rose by Seven Centimetres Overnight

With the weather system that we have had over Europe a lot of rain has fallen. So much rain has fallen that it has swollen rivers and flooded plenty of regions. In Switzerland, because almost everything is on a hill flooding might be noticed in some parts of certain cities, but in theory it is easy, within meters, to be safe from the flood. Boats in Nyon Boats in Nyon

A Ten Kilometre Sunday Ingress Walk

I was going to take the scooter but it was stuck by three SUVs so I had no option but to lazily give up and go on a 10 kilometre Sunday Ingress walk. I couldn’t be bothered running up to the second floor, getting the car keys, moving the car, getting the scooter out and then moving the car back. This is especially true since it’s going to rain tomorrow.

Summer Nyon

[caption id=“attachment_3100” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”] Summer Nyon[/caption] This is an image of Nyon on a day when the thermometer indicated at least 31°c on a sunny Sunday afternoon. In this image you can see the CGN boat leaving Nyon and heading towards Geneva. You can see the Jet D’eau in the background. You can see a sailing boat in the distance, some kayakers nearby and two pedalos. What you don’t see in this image are the people playing volleyball, other people sitting at Nyon Plage or yet more people at the Nyon Swimming Pool.

Nyon in Spring

This text will be replaced var so = new SWFObject(‘http://www.main-vision.com/mediaplayer/player.swf','mpl','480','289','9'); so.addParam(‘allowscriptaccess’,‘always’); so.addParam(‘allowfullscreen’,’true’); so.addParam(‘flashvars’,’&file=http://www.main-vision.com/richard/video/nyonfeb500.flv&stretching=fill’); so.write(‘player’); Today I went down to the Nyon Lakeside to play with the camera to try it out. I watched the video playback and it looked fine. I saw some pixelation between a girl’s face and her hair when she was walking and some artefacts just around the people’s bodies as they move. That’s at 1440*1020, not full resolution.

February Sun in Nyon

This text will be replaced var so = new SWFObject(’/jw/embed/player.swf’,‘mpl’,‘640’,‘352’,‘9’); so.addParam(‘allowscriptaccess’,‘always’); so.addParam(‘allowfullscreen’,’true’); so.addParam(‘flashvars’,’&file=http://www.main-vision.com/richard/video/Nyonfeb.flv’); so.write(‘player’); Today I went down to the Nyon Lakeside to play with the camera to try it out. I watched the video playback and it looked fine. I saw some pixelation between a girl’s face and her hair when she was walking and some artefacts just around the people’s bodies as they move. That’s at 1440*1020, not full resolution.

Playing with HD some more

Tom Reeves - Mar 1, 2008 What an avatar like yours and all those tweets, people might think you’re a bot. Of course, there is no accounting for you unique personality unless you are a spectacularly well programmed bot. :)