
Over thirty one thousand Words written in 18 days for Nanowrimo

Danica - Nov 3, 2008 Are you in collaborative writing project? What is the goal? It’s to pick up the writing habit. it’s part of the project. Everyone just attemps to write 50,000 words in a single month.

Over thirty one thousand Words written in 18 days for Nanowrimo

With just under two weeks of writing left for Nanowrimo I have reached over 31,000 words in that space of time. That’s an average of 1750 words a day. It’s been a good experience so far and its now that I’m starting to worry about the proofreading part. It takes long enough to proofread an essay or dissertation, let alone 50,000 words from a document such as this one. I did feel good about reaching those 30,000 words.

Fribourg Nanowrimo

I always go to social media events and meet a lot of geeks who love to use new technology such as twitter, seesmic and more. For once it’s a little different. I’m in Fribourg where I’m surrounded by writers. There are a lot of PC rather than Mac computers. The hot chocolate is good and the city is nice. At the time of writing there have been two word wars. The concept is simple.

Pompei and Nanowrimo

I’m enjoying the process of writing for Nanowrimo and to get some ideas I’m looking at maps offered up by google. View Larger Map It’s quite funny because until five minutes ago I had not yet looked at the city of Pompei as seen from the sky although I’ve walked the streets many times. I thought that you too might enjoy this.

20,000 Words for Nanowrimo and still going strong

And so I reach 20,000 words after 12 days, not quite as good as I had hoped but good nonetheless. The story is developing well and there will be quite a bit of re-writing to be done but I can depend on some friends to help with that. [caption id=“attachment_815” align=“aligncenter” width=“300” caption=“20,000 words for Nanowrimo”][/caption]

Nanowrimo progression after nine days at it

[caption id=“attachment_806” align=“aligncenter” width=“499” caption=“the progression”][/caption] I’m not doing too badly. I’m 1000 words ahead of the minimum per day if you take the 1667 word per day rule seriously. Might work up to 20,000 tonight. I’m just 4000 away…

I reached 10,000 words for Nanowrimo

50,000 words is a nice goal. I’ve already got ten thousand of those words in a document on google docs. My Nanowrimo attempt is exploring social media, new technology and the effect it’s having on human interactions. So far the ideas have been flowing. 5600 words the first day, 8000 the day after that and now over 10,000 four days in and I still have some writing time. I’m really looking forward to writing the eighty percent that remain because it’s a learning curve.