Mobile Phone

The Allure and Weakness of Feature Phones

You may look at a feature phone, or dumb phone, depending on your sense of humour as a fantastic trip back into the past where phones are used for calling people and texting. Whilst this reality may seem enthralling the reality is quite different. A feature phone is old fashioned today. Modern Mobile Telephony Modern Mobile telephony is about messaging apps such as Signal, Whatsapp and others. If you use a feature phone you may lose your access to both of these instant messaging platforms.

The Crosscall Odyssey Plus

The Crosscall Odyssey Plus fills two niches. It is a rugged weather proof phone rated to the IP 68 standard and is equipped with dual sim capability. This makes it ideal for the sports I enjoy, mainly via ferrata as pictured below and hiking. It comes with a smaller carabiner than the one pictured below. I swapped it for one of my own. IP 68 is a code to determine how resistant a device is to both particulate matter and liquids.

Three percent of people in Europe use maps on their mobile phone

According to the report, the majority of users – 73% in the United States and 57% in Europe – accessed mobile maps via the handset’s browser. Less than a third of customers in these markets used a downloaded application. Source In a town like Lausanne it would make sense to use google maps paired with the phone’s gps because there’s municipal wifi you don’t need to agree to for use.

O2 and iPhone

According to a number of articles, 02 and Apple are in final discussions about the iPhone and how they will distribute it within the European Union. So far we still have to wait until December of this year to get it in Europe. I don’t think I want to own this particular phone because the one I have now has almost all these functionalities to start with. I also like having a qwerty keyboard for ease of typing whilst on the move, unlike the iPhone.