
Environmentalism and Traffic Lights

When you’re driving from Nyon to the airport without traffic the journey takes about twenty minutes. If you decide to drive into the city of Geneva that journey time is doubled thanks in main part to traffic lights. It once took me over one hour when scuba diving in Hermance to drive from Place des Nations to the other side of the Mont Blanc Bridge. That’s over one hour for less than two kilometres.


Unseen is a documentary divided in to two parts. The first part is about five individuals who provide tours of various parts of London which they inhabited as homeless person and the second part is feedback and advice.

Richard, the Piano Tuner

Richard from England Your England on Vimeo. An alternative way of living and paying off debt.

Remember that first tweetup?

Here we have @sizemore speaking about why he organised the first London tweetup. I will upload some of the other interviews soon but I’m just checking the player embedding first This text will be replaced var so = new SWFObject(‘','mpl','320','240','9'); so.addParam(‘allowscriptaccess’,‘always’); so.addParam(‘allowfullscreen’,’true’); so.addParam(‘flashvars’,’&file=’); so.write(‘player’);


This morning whilst tweeting with Fahran Rehman we decided that we would like to organise a twitter event in London with a difference. Twestival and twinterval are great ideas but we’re thinking of doing something over a period of two days that would be like a podcamp but over two days and we need your ideas to make it worthwhile. Already we have 27 people on facebook interested in the project and another 6 so far on tweetcamp.

On twestival

richard - Sep 5, 2008 i always wake up early after a good night out. Enjoying the fresh air today :-). What time did you end up leaving last night? It was lovely last night, I’m surprised your up and logging so early today though…you had quite a bit to drink ;-) Maybe Trafalgar Square has that effect on you! Well it all ended in tears for me actually as I was locked out of the flat and was pretty stranded til my boyfriend actually woke up and let me in…about 2am.

On twestival

The first tweetup I went to saw a crowd of no more than sixty people. The twestival had many more. Enough to fill the Doon club. So many new faces but not many new people to follow. It’s fun to see how big the London twitter community has become. The usual people were there, sizemore, loudmouthman, documentally, danacea weaverluke and a few new faces like digitalmaverick, amandita, Poppyd and a few more people.

Twitter as a way of life

Twitter is not a social network, rather it’s a way of life. The more you use Twitter the further it gets into your way of life. It allows you to follow current affairs, geek out about social media and keep in touch with friends that uses the social network. What’s more it’s a network that does not require any specific device. At first it’s a confusing place. Look at the public timeline and it’s a torrent of junk and sifting through it will take hours a day.