Jaiku is up and running once more, from the google servers and it’s faster. It’s also lost no features. In fact it’s gained one thing which will make some you happy. All those who already have unlimited invites so if you’re interested in trying Jaiku from it’s servers, send me a message by e-mail or a DM with your e-mail address and I’ll send you the invite. In fact just leave a comment and I’ll see your e-mail address that way.
Finally a little news.
Jaiku is about as old as twitter but rather than expand and get two million users it was bought by google some months ago. This weekend the service has been unavailable and the reason for this is that they’re moving from the old finnish server to the google App engine. Pat pointed me to this blog post. Now all is clear. The question is how soon will it be until Jaiku is opened up for the masses to start using it?
Daniel - May 3, 2008
Hey Richard, Could you send me an invite too? Would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Daniel
Could you send me an invite please and I’ll give Jaiku a try. Thanks
There’s so much hype about friendfeed because of it’s features but that’s something jaiku has been doing for months and months now. It’s a shame that silicon valley doesn’t look beyond their borders. Shame the hype is almost always around that part of the world. The more I use jaiku the more I enjoy it. If anyone wants some invites I should have a few left. Just let me know and I’ll send you an invite.
Corvida - May 2, 2008
I can definitely sympathize. Even though I’m in the US, the city that I stay in is pretty non-technological, let alone social. Getting people to use social networks is a tough thing. Even though they have their benefits, it’s not for everyone and everyone isn’t particularly fascinated with the web in the same way that we are unfortunately.
As a student it was not unusual for me to spend no more than six hours a day at home. The rest of the time I was out socialising, whether helping post grads with their work or with those from my studies. As a result of this I started to pay attention to many of the social networks. It had shifted from Facebook where all my real life friends could be found to more abstract social networks such as twitter, jaiku and others.
For any of those that have never used Jaiku before here is a typical conversation from the users. They’re all interested in mobile phones and what they can do. It’s a nice change from twitter’s web 2.0 and social media slant.
Seesmic’ favourite phone at the moment appears to be the Nokia N95 and after months of thinking about whether to get the Iphone or the Nokia I turned to the Nokia because of everything it allows you to do. It’s a GPS, web streaming camera, time lapse camera, e-mail and web browser among other things. It’s also easy to use with services like Jaiku. Streaming Video stremaing from computers is becoming commonplace and as a result we’re growing tired of that piece to camera straight from people’s desk.
Documentally - Oct 2, 2007
wow.. you were quick defining the word twitterstorm.. Not quick enough to buy the dot com though.. ;)