
Blogging to the Fediverse via WordPress without Tags

I noticed a drop in traffic to the blog which I would attribute to three things. The main reason is that I went from main-vision.com/richard/blog to blog.main-vision.com. This screwed up all the search engine results, despite adding the redirection order in the htaccess file. As if that wasn’t silly enough I then redirected my blog back to its original place to see if that would revive traffic and of course I can’t tell.

The Culture of Hashtags

Yesterday I noticed that the blog posts I write in Hugo via Vim are uglified on Mastodon and Calckey. By uglified I mean that the neat and tidy key words that I use as tags are converted into hashtags on Mastodon and Calckey and this makes me both sad and angry. It makes me sad because hashtags are a way of spamming conversations, and of allowing people who are not invested to participate in conversations.