Forest Fire Risk

Day 32 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland - A Single Tab Open

I have a single tab open in Chrome at the moment, my main browser. This window, to write this blog post. We are now in Day 32 of self-isolation and I’m keeping myself distracted through blogging, making webpages mobile friendly and more. I’m also limiting the time I spend on news websites, social media and more. I have a five minute time limit on social media apps on my phones.

Day Twenty-Nine of ORCA in Switzerland – A Desire To Go On A Hike

We’re in day 29 of ORCA in Switzerland and I have an ever increasing desire to go for a hike. During today’s walk I listened to two podcasts about hiking and I walked yet another variant of my usual walk. Apple tree blooms are increasing in number and the Colza looks almost ready to harvest. We’re also going into a dry summer. During this pandemic we have hardly had any rain for a month.