
A Walk During Cow Rush Hour

Yesterday I decided that I would start my walk by going along a dangerous bit of road, at the start of the road. The idea behind this is to avoid being endangered by selfish car drivers when I’m fatigued. It’s better to put up with their dangerous behaviour ahead of a walk, rather than after it. I Don’t Want To Give Up Walking Locally I spent time thinking about walking, and avoiding cars, and I came to the conclusion that I no longer want to walk across a bridge.

Relaxing Cows

Ordinarily you see pictures of cows standing up looking towards the camera but occassionaly people like me walk by cows when they are on their chewing the cud break. They lie around and slouch. It’s amusing to see three cows in close proximity like this. They have their eyes closed, their legs out. Are you used to seeing such scenes? Cows in Switzerland have a good life. They head from the valleys to the top of mountains, eat grass, and then have siestas in the middle of the day.

Relaxing Cows - The Right Crowd To Be With During A Pandemic

During a pandemic it makes sense to go to the mountains and it makes sense to walk where you have space to the left and right to keep social distancing. Today I saw the cows near St Cergue and they were all sitting and relaxing, chewing the cud, waiting for the tourist day to open. I haven’t been to the mountains much over the last four years because of the pandemic, a broken arm and for one summer no car.

Day 55 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Long Horned Cows

Long-Horned cows are a rare treat. We usually see short-horned or even de-horned cows in Switzerland. To see longhorn cow is a treat. I took a tiny detour from my walk to get some pictures. I have walked by the field a few times before seeing them close enough to the fence to consider taking pictures again. One of them started to approach the fence so I moved back. I later noticed that some calves are in this field too.

Day 53 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Rebooting Switzerland in Safe Mode

We’re just days away from Switzerland rebooting in Safe Mode. Rebooting in Safe mode means that children will go back to School on alternating days. Hairdressers and creches are already open. So are flower shops. When I went to the local shopping the music festival maze to get into the shops was simplified and made more efficient. You don’t need to walk around so much. The doors to the shopping centers are also opening in the normal configuration again.

Day 52 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – More Cows, and Cascading Style Sheets

While some of us have gone fifty-two days without being within two meters of another person due to the pandemic others walk side by side down country lanes, forcing those walking alone to make the decision of whether to risk infecting the vulnerable couple or stepping off the road and waiting under an electricity pylon while the selfish people clear the way. In the image above we can clearly see two couples walking side by side.

Day 48 Of Self-Isolation in Switzerland - Calves And Their Mothers

During today’s walk I saw calves and their mothers. Their mothers were mooing me away but I was taking video so I didn’t move until one after another started to approach me. By then I had the footage I wanted to have. I had a strong fence fixed with wooden posts and a bush between myself and the cows so I calculated that the risk was low enough not to bolt.

Day 39 of Self-Isolation in Switzerland – Taking Portraits of Cows

I spent a few minutes taking portraits of cows during my afternoon walk today. Cows were standing by the barrier so it was easy to go up to each one and take their portraits. It’s not as if our vibrant social lives enable us to take portraits of people when we’re self-isolating. It’s day 39. Mobile First Website This morning for three hours or so I continued working on making webpages mobile first and resubmitted them for indexing by Google.