
Children and an Electric Scooter

When I got the electric scooter I was curious about whether it could be used when looking after children while they ride their bikes and the answer is “yes”. You can stop reading now. Yesterday I was near the Lac de Divonne and since the children wanted to race it was a good opportunity to see whether I was faster than them on their bikes. Due to the electric scooter being limited to 20 kilometres per hour I thought that it might be too slow.

A Chinese Via Ferrata of sorts

School children in the Chinese Sichuan province need to climb up a via ferrata of sorts to get to school. As I watch this footage it makes me think of the Ladders of Death Via Ferrata between France and Switzerland where smugglers would transport contraband between these countries. When I watch this footage I believe that it would be relatively easy for the Chinese government to get some European Via ferrata equipment specialists to create a via ferrata and safety gear adapted for young children.

Start judo as young as you can.

 Learning judo is important. Some people choose to learn this martial art as soon as they can stand on two legs.