
Hiking to Valangin From Neuchâtel

Yesterday I went for a hike from Neuchâtel to Valangin. This is a 14 kilometre loop that begins with a relatively steep climb out of the city before heading into the woods. You hear the sounds of the road every so often as you crisscross paths with it. The castle was used from the 12th to the 16th centuries by the Valangin lords. The Way Up As I mentioned in the intro the start of the climb is quite steep, through the woods.

From L'Isle to La Sarraz on a Bike via Romainmôtier

Yesterday I cycled around 41 kilometres from L’Isle to Romainmôtier and then down to La Sarraz, to see the castle, and then to cycle back towards L’Isle and Haute-Morges. For the part from L’Isle to Romainmôtier you are on quiet roads for the most part, but then as you go from Romainmôtier to La Sarraz you need to take busy roads with dangerous cars driving fast and close. I didn’t feel the need to criticse any of the drivers, but it doesn’t as safe on that bit of road, due to the quantity of traffic.

Rolle's Ingress mission

[caption id=“attachment_2112” align=“alignnone” width=“266”] If you like medieval castles[/caption] The Rolle Ingress mission starts at the castle and has you walk towards the centre. You then walk along the main street and through an arch back towards the lake side. From here you walk along the lake for a short distance before heading back in to town and the last portal. As this mission requires hacks and nothing more it is a perfect farming mission.