Carbon Footprint

To Drive or to Fly

In a week or less I will go on a long drive from Switzerland to Spain, stopping at least once, to refuel. I love the drive. I love that it gives me time to think, and to listen to audio books for hours in a row, rather than for a few minutes while cooking or an hour or two while cooking. This time I considered flying but the issue with flying is that I lose a lot of freedom, and the cost, in terms of time is half a day, instead of an entire day.

To drive or Travel by Train

Tomorrow I will be heading to Gruyère. I saw that if I take the train it will take two hours but if I take the car it will take one hour. I am currently toying with the idea of suggesting that I pick up some people in Nyon and others in Fourmi, before going to Gruyère. There was a time when I would easily have done this. At that time I almost always took the car because that was the default habit.

The Decision Not to Drive For Sports On a Sunday

This weekend I could have gone to Bellevaux for the VF, Thones for the VF, Kandersteg for the VF, and gone to Charmey, Rocher de Naye and one other places for hikes and climbing. I chose to do none of these things. My reason for this is to save money on petrol, after driving quite a bit last week but also to recharge. I’m Still an Introvert Last week I went for a hike and thought “I wish I had not gone”, until the end, when I was sad that the day was over.

Stress Testing the Ocean Drive Street E-Scooter

Yesterday I had to drive from Nyon to Founex to do a favour for someone. Normally I would have used the car but it was in for a tire change. I was switching from winter to summer tires at last. On the way to Founex I took farm roads as much as possible because they’re less likely to have cars, and I’m less likely to be in the way of those cars.

Life With an Electric Car

The more I play with the electric car and the more I feel that it affects how I spend my time. Today I would have written a blog post before going out, but I didn’t. I didn’t write before going out because I knew that the battery would be down to 30 percent by the time I got to my destination, and 30 percent of battery power on a car means 14 hours of charge time.

Half a Million Steps in July

In July this year I took half a million steps as I was banned from driving. I’m using that phrase for comedic effect. As I had one arm in a sling driving was out of the question for a few weeks and then it was out of the question because my tendons and muscles were in need of physio therapy. Carbon Footprint By not using the car for around one and a half months alone I avoided using at least one tank of diesel for every month of injury and one scooter tank of petrol per week of petrol.