
The youtube application on the N95

For those of you with good data packages an application that could be a lot of fun is youtube on the n95. I was out and about and decided to check the youtube site and I was given the option to download their beta. I managed to play vides but I had no sound. What they offer are: - upload your videos from the phone - watch your friends’ videos - view relatd videos - view received videos - search for content.

The Nokia N95 and some fun to be had.

Seesmic’ favourite phone at the moment appears to be the Nokia N95 and after months of thinking about whether to get the Iphone or the Nokia I turned to the Nokia because of everything it allows you to do. It’s a GPS, web streaming camera, time lapse camera, e-mail and web browser among other things. It’s also easy to use with services like Jaiku. Streaming Video stremaing from computers is becoming commonplace and as a result we’re growing tired of that piece to camera straight from people’s desk.

Playing with HD some more

Tom Reeves - Mar 1, 2008 What an avatar like yours and all those tweets, people might think you’re a bot. Of course, there is no accounting for you unique personality unless you are a spectacularly well programmed bot. :)

Playing with HD some more

Yesterday I was playing some more with the High definition camera and got a few more seconds of footage uploaded. Right click or control click to download the files and alt/option F to play them full screen. Leaves Castle Bird Waves Now I wih I had an HD monitor to view the footage properly. Look at the detail on the shot of the castle. You see so much. Really nice image to work with.

Practice with the Canon XH A1

With a screen resolution of 1920*1080 interlaced this is one of the higher resolution cameras currently on the market at the moment. It’s beautifuly designed for camera men rather than engineers (unlike the red). I already wrote about earlier.The light wasn’t so interesting but here are 11 seconds of footage. (92 megs) Right click to save the footage as this will not behave properly in browser

The London Videoforum - Cameras

From the 30th of January to the 1st of February 2008 the VideoForum event was held at Earl’s Court in London so that Television and video professionals may meet and talk in a number of conferences, seminars and tutorials as well as on stands. During this time I got to see what were the major trends in the video producing environment in London and England as a whole. Cameras Two Red Cameras were on the Showroom floor yesterday, one owned by Decodeuk and the other I am not sure about.