
Blogobar Neuchatel

richard - Dec 5, 2008 Je viens de passer longtemps a jouer Bix, ça me rapelle un jeu du bon vieux temps des ordis, quand c’etait encore les ecrans ega. Merci pour le post ;-) L’iPhone, c’est fun! Surtout avec du StarWars inside ! :-) Cool post et cool vidéo seesmic, tu me motives àessayer :)) Xavier si tu nous entend, on se réjouit des goodies du prochain blogobar ;-)

Blogobar Neuchatel

One of the most amusing things about the blogobar meetup in Neuchatel was how many iphones were there. It was particularly amusing to see the time spent look at apps, trying to see which was the most fun. Of course we didn’t travel from various parts of Switzerland for that sole purpose. It would have been silly and we would have renamed the event, Iphone party Switzerland or the likes. Those present were Xavier Bertschy of multimediacertified.