
Wake Up and Run Nyon

Yesterday the town of Nyon posted about the Wake Up and Run event that is taking place tomorrow so I felt like signing up until I saw that it costs 38 CHF, and then I changed my mind, temporarily. Eventually I thought “This is in Nyon so it’s local, so I could meet local people”. I also thought “well, if it includes breakfast and a t-shirt then it could be worthwhile after all.

The High Tech World is not making us weak and weird.

The High Tech world is not making us weak and weird. I believe that the opposite is true. According to Patrick Mustain in his article “Welcome to the Devolution: The High-Tech World Is Making Us Weak and Weird” for The Daily Beast he worries that modern technology and conveniences have taken the physical aspects out of our daily routine. We don’t need to clean clothes by beating them against a rock and we no longer need to clean dishes manually.