Conservation organisations

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individual group independent but co-operates with many governments and receives government grants co-operative organisation of governments and NGOs
financially independent medium response time very slow due to need for discussion
rapid response practical conservation initiatives e.g.: setting up wild life reserves influences governments
education (TV/poster/website)   international conference organisation (1992 Rio earth summit + Montreal protocol
raise awareness



- 24 national organisations

- 5 associated organisations

22 regional offices

- programmes in 96 different countries


- Conserve bio diversities

- generate natural resources

- to get rid of pollution and wasted energy of natural resources


- forests

- seas

-Eco systems of fresh water (lakes, rivers, etc.)

Biggest project organised by WWF:

biggest project organised by WWF is the WWF 2000- "The Living Planet Campaign"

The "Caring For The Earth", a new international conservation strategy was launched in 1991. It is sponsored by WWF, IUCN and UNEP. Greenpeace was not involved with this as it works independently.

WWF response to Whale Hunting.

- The ten largest whale species were hunted so intensively that some of them may never recover.

- In 1998 WWF helped spearhead a landmark resolution through the UN General Assembly that called for the June 1992 moratorium that threatened US sanctions in an attempt to reduce trade related mortality. Japan and Korea agreed to withdraw their driftnet fleets from the South Pacific.

-encourages sustainable fishing.



Their mission

To provide leadership and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and people to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.


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