Electricity Maps and HomeAssistant

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The building I live in has solar panels on the roof and a heat pump. This allows it to be more energy efficient than other buildings. It also has thick insulation on the walls and more. Recently I have been playing with Homeassistant and electricity Maps. Electricity Maps is a real time representation of energy flows showing which countries are using green energy as well as how much of that energy is currently green. In Switzerland as I write this it’s about 97 percent green.

With the right devices and compatibility you could track how much power you are producing and using within your home. You could even track per device if you wanted to invest in such devices.

Aside from tracking what’s going on in your own home, and at a national level you can see how much energy comes from hydro, wind, solar, battery storage, hydro storage, biomasss and more. You can see who is importing and exporting energy.

If you look at the world map you can see how many nations are green, and how many are not. It’s interesting to see the difference between green energy used in Canada in contrast to the US but also between France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries.

And Finally

With the right setup I could monitor how much energy I am using. As things are I look at the percentage of energy that is non-renewable out of curiousity. Over time I expect that Romandie énergie and others will develop integrations for simpler constant monitoring.