The Need to Play with 360 Video
A few years ago I signed a contract to generate 360 content but the contract ended after just a month because the company restructured or something similar. I then bought a 360 camera and played with it to film interesting angles.
I keep forgetting that I have this fantastic camera. It’s fantastic because with 360 videos you can either allow people to see what they want to see, or you can frame the shot just as you want it to be. With a normal camera you need to place it so that you can film what you want to film. With a 360 camera you film everything and then frame the shot.
During the hike on Sunday someone said “Everyone, stand in a circle and I thought “maybe a 360 photo will be taken”. Nope, just a video where the camera spins to see everyone. I need to get into the habti of taking the 360 camera with me, to film the world from an unfamiliar angle.
I believe that it would make filming things like Via ferrata much easier, and much safer. If you can have a range of motion of two to three meters then you can place the camera precisely where you want it, rather than being limited by where you can get to.
You can use the pole to jib the camera around, and you can lift it up, to get a drone style shot, without the noise, and people complaining.
I should practice using the 360 camera on normal walks, so that when I’m on a cliff I know what to do with ease.
I think this summer season is over but Autumn walks with a 360 camera should be nice. The Tichodrome in Autumn should be nice. That’s the VF above Noiraigue, for reference.