Walking from Bex to Aigle

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Yesterday I caught a train from Nyon to Bex without the need to change from one train to another. In the process I had an opportunity to re-acclimate myself to being surrounded by others, indoors, without a mask. Luckily the wagon wasn’t too crowded so I wasn’t overcome with the desire to mask.

When I saw that there was a hike from Bex to Aigle I didn’t expect it to be as nice as it was. I expected it to be a walk along roads from A to B. I was wrong. It was a beautiful walk through the town of Bex, and then through a forest and a huge Erratic rock dropped there by a glacier many centuries ago. The walk through the forest passes by a Parcours Vita but just two or three exercises.

It then heads upwards through the vineyards giving a great view of the Valais and snow covered mountains at this time of year. The trees were especially green because of how much it has rained in recent weeks.

When you get to Ollon there is a café where you can have a café and Arancini but I didn’t know about the Arancini until I went to pay for the coffee. If I had I would have had an Arancini.

The walk out of Ollon is steep so it requires quite a bit of energy. I have plenty so it was easy, but others slowed down a bit. By easy I mean that I was breathing heavily but unphased nonetheless. Imagine the same climb on a bike. On a bike it would be difficult.

After the steep climb you walk through a path that is called “Sentier de Provence” which I found out once I got to the other side. I told the person that it reminded me of Provence and Southern France, and it seems that others agreed, hence the name. In the other direction it’s called “Chemin Des Pélerins” as it is part of the Via Francigena but also part of the Sentier Des Vignes.

As you head down the hill you eventually pass train tracks and then as you come out of the forest you get a view of the Chateau D’Aigle with the vineyards in front.

And Finally

The walk is actually a beautiful walk but you wouldn’t guess it. I expected quite a tame walk and experienced a beautiful walk instead.