The Pandemic Groundhog Day - Sisyphean Life
This week we have the pandemic Groundhog Day and this is the time when we will see if the Sisyphean life continues. Most of Europe is reopening, and although for those who have not read broadly about the pandemic rejoice, others do not. By deciding to reopen now, it is almost certain that next winter will be a pandemic one.
This is the graph for new cases for today. This is the context in which Switzerland is considering the reopening of society.
During the winter months we need to keep windows closed and we need to meet indoors because it is cold and, possibly, unpleasant outside. Being inside makes it easier for the virus to transmit from person to person so eradication is more of a challenge.
That is why it is a shame that European countries are deciding to reopen. By reopening now, when the virus is so virulent, they are condemning us to another winter of pandemic solitude. This is a deeply unpleasant thought.
There are discussions about doing away with Covid passes, about doing away with crowd number limits. It looks as though Denmark, Switzerland and other countries are deciding to just live as if the pandemic was over. I would rejoice, like others, if not for articles and snippets I have read. I have read that Long Covid affects the brain. I have read that Long Covid damages the lungs. I have read that Covid damages body’s ability to provide an immune response.
If we ignore the risk, then we can have a normal summer, yet again, but if we keep in mind that we are in a pandemic and that we could be disabled for life, from falling sick, is it worth the risk? At the moment I prefer solitude to being careless, but we will see how I feel by April when the summer sports begin.
These blog posts are for future generations, to understand the insanity of the current governments. We could have been out of this pandemic, if moral people had been in charge.