On Long Drives

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In Switzerland a three hour drive feels long, but in France or Spain it does not. I drove from Switzerland to Spain and from Spain to switzerland. The drive to Spain is easier because traffic gets lighter as you get further south. Most of the time this is true. This time, as I drove from Spain to Switzerland I came across the opposite. From the moment I started driving I encountered traffic.

The problem with traffic is that some people are driving above the speed limit, while others are driving below it. You have to decide whether you want to slow down behind the car that is blocking you, or go out, blocking the fast car behind you. I usually let my speed go, rather than risk a high speed rear collision, flashing lights and other unpleasant behaviour.

This time when I arrived at La Jonquera there were plenty of cars so I stayed in the car and skipped this refueling stop, to refuel at the next petrol station in price. The difference in price was big but I thought that saving time was more important than money. I wasn’t wrong.

At the first péage in France I lost 20 minutes, and then I had regular traffic jams until 20 minutes or so before Grenoble. From there traffic was easy, and I even began to find driving between Grenoble and France easier. I have driven that route regularly enough. It has become a relaxing part of the drive.

This was especially true, because of how quiet the road was compared to the rest of the journey. I drove from around 0910 or so to 2220, so a thirteen hour drive. Yesterday I was tired from the drive.

Horses grazing, with the alps behind

Horses grazing, with the alps behind

Recent Reading

I read two books during the drive. I listened to them with Audible. I listened to The Jewel That Was Ours by Colin Dexter and finished part two of three of The History Of the Ancient World. The Jewel That was Ours is a reasonable book, although I do not feel that it is ideal for road trips. It requires focus and attention, two things that driving in heavy traffic also require.

I think that listening to books where you can half listen are better suited to long drives. Big Mile Cycling by Sean Conway was a better choice for the drive down. I will see about finding similar books for my next long drive.

Recent Listens

Today I listened to two Le Cours De L’Histoire podcasts. One was about Cretinism and Iodine deficiency, and the other, which I still need to finish is about vertical exploration of the mountains. For a while I found that I had no interest in listening to podcasts but for once I felt ready. I try to find pandemic friendly content, that explores ideas, concepts and history, rather than self-pity. I don’t think self-pity is the right term, but something along those lines. I like to read and listen to things that distract me from pandemic solitude.


It has taken a while, and some effort but I finally feel that I am getting to understand JavaScript better, and that I am more confident with it. I am not rushing, but rather seeing the code, and re-writing it with my own terms, words and more. I am pushing the envelope slightly, to deepen my learning. Today I played with encoding letters to learn about functions. Tomorrow I will experiment with something else.

And Finally

Tomorrow I get my booster, so we will see how it affects me. I want to eat a raclette, to see whether my dreams are more interesting, afterwards. :-)