Initial Thoughts on the Sigg Travel Mug Miracle Black 0.47l

The Sigg Travel Mug Miracle Black flask has a mediocre name but a good niche. Drinking hot, or cold drinks, whilst driving, without worrying about it spilling, and as a bonus, the ability to open it one handed. This is especially relevant in a car, small enough not to have cup holders built in.

If you stand the Sigg Eddy+ 600ML next to the Sigg Travel mug Miracle 0.47ml they are the same size so if you can fit one into your hiking bag you can fit both. On one side you have your water, on the other you have your hot tea, coffee or other.

Today I tried drinking hot tea from it and the experience was good. I would warn against pressing the safety button straight after pouring steaming hot water into it. The button will purge hot steam onto your finger. You do feel heat, around the top after pouring in hot liquid, so it can help you guauge whether it has cooled enough for you to drink from.

Unlike the Camelbak Forge, that I liked using for years, and the Camelbak hot cap, that I was not overly enthusiastic about drinks do not spill to either side of your face. With both the camelbak forge and the hot cap I found that you would tilt too much sometimes, and it would spill down the sides of your face. With the Sigg TMMB 0.47 (I’m too tired of typing the full name each time) you get the fluid right where you want it.

The vessel itself looks and feels slender compared to other thermally insulated drinking vessels. I like the form factor. The lid is simple on the outside. You have the locking button, and the hole to drink from. The trigger button is opposite the drinking hole, easy to use.

If you flip the cap and look at the mechanism then it is made of two parts and three springs. You remove the mechanism by pressing both sides at once and it pulls out quite easily. You can then wash every component. There is also a sillicon cap that is used to provide a proper seal when you are not drinking from the vessel.

Based on first impressions I think that this will fit my desires and needs perfectly and I would even toy with the idea of getting the 0.27ml version for take away coffee or hot chocolate. I am happy with it so far.