Exponential Pandemic Growth And A Lack of Accountability

In theory I should remain neutral and not comment about current affairs but what is happening in Europe and the US merits comment. The runaway growth of the pandemic warrants comment. We are in week 98 of the pandemic, just two away from 100 weeks and people are still debating whether to wear masks, sing in choirs and more. People are still meeting in large crowds and doing more irrational things.

I was looking at the statistics for the last few days in Switzerland and the situation is nuts. Almost all canton are with rates of at least 1000 per 100,000 but some are as high as 2000 or more. What is nuts is that there are no soft lockdowns, no self-isolate at home, no “please avoid events”. It feels as if the guarde fous have been removed and the nutcases are running the asylum. Governments are not being held to account for their incompetence, and in cities like Geneva people are protesting against masks for children, during what we know is an airborne pandemic. That’s nuts. It shows that people are not as knowledgeable about this pandemic as they should be, but also that the fourth estate is not keeping governments honest. Look at England and Switzerland as two examples.

A few months ago Japan had the olympics, and the number of cases went up, but within days they got the situation under control and within weeks it was back to normal life. In Europe countries like Switzerland have been through five ways, and no lessons have been learned.

We have gone from a pandemic that affects old and vulnerable people, to one that affects young adults and older, to, one year later, i.e. this summer, where the Delta and the Omicron waves work their way through child populations where masks, safe distancing, vaccinations and other measures are not taken. Governments are behaving in a manner that could be labelled as Eugenics, and they are getting away with it. We are in a pandemic and the emergency brakes have been disabled.

In the grand scheme of things I am frustrated that children’s lives and well-beings are being endangered by health ministers with economics backgrounds, rather than health or humanities, and by the prospect that this could go on for decades, not weeks, months or years. Every wave is getting to be worse and people are failing to learn from their mistakes over and over. We are living through an irrational time.

We know how to end the pandemic. We see that Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other nations have little flare ups but they deal with them immediately. Switzerland and other countries are just watching a pandemic, without doing everything to stop it. If Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other nations can control the pandemic then so can other countries. Europe, the US and other continents are failing. This pandemic could have been over a year ago. It is irrational that it isn’t.

I keep this post because I think it is important to log the absurdity of the situation we are in today.