Chamois at La Dôle
[caption id=“attachment_2556” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”] A chamois silhouetted against the clouds up at la Dole[/caption] When the weather is cold and grey as it is today people are not tempted by a walk in the mountains. Chamois at la Dôle are more relaxed, especially up at La Dôle. They are hidden by the clouds and if humans are coming then they will smell them long before we get to see them. On Friday of last week we were lucky. With a friend we decided that we would eat lunch at La Barillette after going for a short walk up from the radio mast to the Sky Guide facilities above. There was a light drizzle and the clouds were playing. At moments we could see the top and at other moments it was hidden by clouds. We walked up the path and saw a few cows spread about the landscape. As we started up the steep path and arrived to where the path flattens we could see two or three chamois in the distance. I thought at first that it was just the mother I had seen several months earlier with her young one. As we approached and as the wind blew away some clouds we saw a full herd. [caption id=“attachment_2557” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”]
A herd of Chamois up at La Dole[/caption] This was excellent. It is rare to see so many of them so close together like that and from such a short distance. At moments we were just metres away from them. It was a rare and welcome privilege. [caption id=“attachment_2558” align=“aligncenter” width=“660”]
Chamois approaching the cliff edge[/caption]