A Four Kilometre Run
Today I ran four kilometres, after walking fifteen kilometres yesterday and my legs felt tired. They felt heavy and I thought that I wouldn’t make it to the target distance. I did, but it was a game of will.
Usually I go for a run, and then I walk. Today I did the opposite. I went for a walk, and then I went running. Part of the reason I felt tired is that I ran across a grassy field uphill. Grassy fields are fine if you’re used to them. It’s hard work. You have to work to keep your feet stable, to avoid sliding, and to make more effort.
After being winded by the field I had to run upwards. My legs felt tired. I felt that I would run out of power, that I would slow and that I would stop. I wanted to stop. My breathing was more strenuous than usual.
In the end I did make the distance that I had set out to achieve, but it was hard. I also had to walk fast, but walk nonetheless. My run ended on a steep climb. Even walking up it takes some getting used to, and I speed walked up it. I didn’t want to slow too much.
I’m tired because of yesterday’s walk and today’s 2km morning walk and afternoon five kilometre walk before the 4km run. I made it, and after the run I felt tired but I recovered relatively well. I was in zone five for 16-17 minutes depending on the tracker.
Originally I had planned to do this run on a flat loop around a small lake. I had expected to do about one and a half laps. I did not intend to make such an effort today. I wanted to make it easy for myself, and did the opposite.
And Finally
The run started with a flat bit where it’s by fast cars and I wanted to get out of there. I then turned right and had a climb, and then I had a climb through a grassy field. These winded me. I struggled for the rest of the run, rather than stop and recover. If I had not encountered that walker I could have taken my intended course and warmed up more before making a bigger effort.
Tomorrow I rest and then Friday I run just 2.4km. That should be easier.