A Break From Listening To Podcasts

For two or three months at least I have taken a break from listening to podcasts. I used to enjoy listening to podcasts every single day. I would listen when I walked, I would listen on the commute. I would listen when I cooked. During this pandemic, I found that I could stand fewer and fewer podcasts.

Some of them frustrated me because they treated Brexit as if it was something fun, so I stopped listening. Other podcasts tried to speak about pandemic solitude, but these were married people who were simply choosing to self isolate to keep their loved ones safe, rather than real solitude, where there is no end in sight.

With other podcasts, I stopped listening because I thought that what the people were talking about was either irrelevant or not very interesting. According to one podcast app, I have listened to 34 days and 14 hours of podcasts since 2016.

One of the reasons I stopped listening to podcasts is that I wanted to make progress with my reading goal, i.e. via Audible, for Goodreads. Podcasts are interesting, and we learn interesting things, but if we set a reading goal via an app like Goodreads, book reading counts, and podcasts do not.

FOMO is another reason. Fear, or knowledge of missing out. For nineteen to twenty months now we have been self-isolating and group activities have been limited. Group hikes, climbs and other activities, that used to be common are rare. Conferences and other events are now online rather than in meat space. Listening to podcasts reminds us of what Last summer, and this summer, I said that we cut out TV series, films, or any content that affects our happiness. Podcasts were messing with my ability to cope with the pandemic, so eventually I eliminated all of them. Somehow I can cope with books, but factual books. Books that are about ideas and projects, rather than relationships.

This pandemic is hard because we know how to end the pandemic, but due to political interests the measures that would bring the pandemic to an end are being skuppered. The pandemic, with the right leadership could be ended within three or four months, with the right leadership. With the wrong leadership we could be in for 8 more years. I belive that Switzerland does have the wrong leadership for a pandemic.

Today the Right leaning party, the party that is to blame for pandemic measures not being brought to fruition, sent propaganda spreading disinformation about the current Conseil Fédéral. The party that is most vocal about the loss of freedoms, is to blind to see that it is the party that is making this pandemic long and protracted.

I want the pandemic to end, and for normal socialising to resume, even for those, like me, who are waiting for the transmission rate to be down to zero cases for two weeks in a row. For now this looks impossible before next spring so it is another Winter of solitary walks and blog writing, when I am not studying. I am a third of the way through a Web dev course. I am making consistent progress every day. Life moves forward, even if we would like some parts to be enhanced.

As I like to say, Same Pandemic, Different day.