
Playing with Galaxus Mobile

There is a chance that I have had the same Swisscom contract since 2003 or 2007 non-stop. In that time I have been very happy with network coverage. What I am less happy with is the price. At seventy or more francs for unlimited data it becomes very expensive on a yearly basis. Recently I noticed that I could get “unlimited data” for nineteen francs per month within Switzerland so I took a subscription in parallel to run some tests.

Sliding from iOS to Android

Recently I switched from an Iphone SE from 2020 for a Fairphone 4 and the migration has been easy, except for two apps. Whatsapp and Signal. With Android it’s easy. You backup to Google Drive and you can slide between Android devices with ease. With iOS the backup is in iCloud so sliding between devices should, in theory, be easy to, but I don’t remember finding it that much fun. If it wasn’t for this apps we could slide from Android to iOS and back without a second thought.

Thoughts on the Oculus Quest

During the World XR Forum I had to carry six or more Oculus Quest devices from a car to the conference centre and then help with setting up at least one of these devices. At first I thought it was like most VR headsets where the phone is the display. In reality, the Oculus Quest is a self-contained VR headset driven via an app from the mobile phone. Once the Oculus quest and the mobile phone are paired you can play with content and use it.

The best edit suite is the one you have with you.

You remember the old saying. The best camera is the one that you have with you. Today the same can be said about “edit suites” that you carry in your trousers or jacket pocket. I’m speaking of edit suites that work with your iphone or ipad. Lumafusion is one such example. It differs from other mobile editing solutions in a number of key ways. The first is that it allows you to edit on a timeline with three video sources at once This means that you have more control.

A theoretical Seven Minute Workout a day

Seven Minute Workout for 36 days For about six weeks I have been trying to do at least one seven-minute workout every single day. I eventually fell out of the habit for a few days because I had to fight a little virus. I’m feeling better again. Time to see if I can beat my old maximum of 36 days. At least one circuit a day The Seven-minute app I was playing with is by Perigee.

Manu Chao At Paléo

The Manu Chao Concert Manu Chao was on the Grande Scène at Paléo last night. His concert lasted for an energetic two hours. He kept saying"Vous êtes Fou, Paléo". He gave a lot of energy and so did the audience. For two hours he jumped around, for two hours the audience jumped around too. The sea of faces and people were impressive. In the distance you could see pac-man and a few ghosts bobbing up and down with the music.

Using an Xtorm Solar Charger

While in Spain for three weeks I was playing with the Xtorm solar Charger. I found that it worked well for the charging of tablets and e-book readers but not mobile phones. [caption id=“attachment_3462” align=“aligncenter” width=“225”] Solar charger and external battery[/caption] For years I have wanted to play with solar power. I have wanted to buy a solar panel that I could fix to my bag or that I could use to charge devices.

The Paradox of "kicking smartphone addictions".

It’s amusing that people think of “kicking smartphone addictions”. We now have a decade of experience in the current social media landscape. We have a decade of using smartphones rather than feature phones. In effect we have had a decade to adapt our lives to the age of the ubiquitous smartphone. We can ignore the Blackberry and Nokia ages where phones were for phone calls, playing snake and business rather than pleasure.

Strava Now Has Rock Climbing, Hiking And More

David - First of May 2018 Hey Richard. I actually built an app to solve this problem. I’m a climber and a runner and I wanted to be able to track my climbing and see all my exercise in one place. You can log your indoor climbs in the app and it lets you enter the grade, how many tops you completed and tailors everything to the specific gym you’re in.

Strava Now Has Rock Climbing, Hiking And More

Strava now has rock climbing, hiking and many more sports. Sports tracker, movescount and other applications already allowed you to do this but it is nice to see one more network provide us with this option. [caption id=“attachment_3340” align=“aligncenter” width=“189”] Strava expanded the number of sports you can track[/caption] Up until now I had to make sure to go for a bike ride or three per week to keep people updated on what I did.