Loic Lemeur

The Seesmic Dinner

Gia - Jan 5, 2008 Oi! I sat across the table from you for the whole end of the evening! We ‘interacted’… sheesh. ;) LOL. You tell him! :) - nah great writeup richard. Sorry never got to talk Gia. Maybe at a future one? Thanks! Phil There should be another event at the beginning of February so that Kosso can join. I’ve also heard from Fred2baro that the French may have one simultaneously in Paris.

The Seesmic Dinner

Last night I had the good fortune of attending the social media dinner at the Coach and horse in London. It was yet another opportunity to meet people like Lloyd, Sizemore, Phil Campbell, Deek, Rupert Howe, Jess and many other seesmic participants. It was also my opportunity to meet some new people. I met Vinvin and Johann from Seesmic for example. They’re part of the Seesmic team in San Francisco. Loic Lemeur arrived a little later so it was great to meet him to.

SeesmicAIR and mobility

Last night at Four AM I got an alpha release of SeesmicAIR from Critter and I started to play with it. My initial response was good. It’s fast, intuitive and it doesn’t a browser. Today as I had lunch I went mobile with my laptop, relying on battery. Those who follow my blog know that I’m using a macbook pro and those that follow my tweets know that I was happy about something.

The Francofous Seesmic Skype call

Kmeron - Jan 1, 2008 was there, left at like 4am… great thing not planned, and as u said richard, loads of different topics, nice community idea, nice moment :) and yes ledretch, ur a francofou don’t worry ;) A lot of things in the air yesterday night, we were pretty close and not so anonym, just us, alone in the night, just voice to voice. Funny. Thank you Richard to report this.

The Francofous Seesmic Skype call

There are two communities on Seesmic, those that are English speakers and those that are French speakers. The French speaking seesmicers can be recognized by two things. The first one is the Racoon avatar, the second is that they refer to each other as the Francofous, the crazy french. Last night Seesmic went down due to an upgrade gone wrong and as a result many seesmicers didn’t know what to do with their time.