<-- insert nw entries. Please do NOT change this line--> Hello and welcome to my guestbook Daisy - 12/03/98 01:52:54
Country: Vancouver
Age: 25
profession: skiing
one thing is that you dont have anything on the Roman Empire farming it would have been a big help
to me and my friend if you had something on it i might of kept you in my mind i'm 5 foot 2 long sexy legs, brown hair and brown eyes i like a guy who is smart and good looking well i gotta go cause i have to make dinner i'll keep you in mind you sexy hunk mabey next time i'll give you my number so you can call for a good time bye the way i'm single
gotta jet..........
Fernando - 12/03/98 01:38:21
My Email:Bond538@aol.com Country: usa
Age: 13
profession: rat shooter
i love the page it has everything i need 4 my report
Elizabeth Kelly - 12/01/98 10:15:28
My Email:biffymcado@aol.com Country: U.S.A.
Age: 19
profession: Writer
I can't thank you enough for having this website. Not only is it interesting, but it has helped me so much in achieving a greater understanding of the Roman Empire.
fucker - 11/28/98 02:55:46
My URL:http://gj
Country: whoop whoop land
Age: 109797364
profession: dick head
this is a crappy site. it dosn't haVE ANY THING ON FOOOD!!! by the way my name and country are fake.
10/26/98 10:22:56
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Anita Ford - 10/26/98 01:04:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7255
My Email:anitaford@geocities.com Country: USA
Age: 28
profession: Navy Wife
Thanks for signing my guestbook/answering machine and for the smile. I'll look into the blood in my house. ;-) I like your site and it's of particular interest to me since we are going to be stationed in Italy next year. I've got you bookmarked and I'll b
back to check it out in more depth. Thanks!
Christine - 10/12/98 22:52:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/classicalworld/index.html
My Email:ckossol@dp.net Country: usa
Age: 27
profession: Project Manager
Richard, I loved your site! The photos were fabulous. I'm hoping to visit Italy next year for the first time, and after seeing your photos I can't wait for the trip. Please stop by and visit my new home page.
James Ward - 07/12/98 02:15:43
My Email:smcclintock1@compuserve.com Country: usa
Age: 31
profession: goliard (and soil technician)
Hi Richard!
Fun! Keep up the good work!
- 07/07/98 21:56:47
Aileen - 07/05/98 23:30:54
My Email:crypt@mbox5.singnet.com.sg Country: Singapore
Age: 18
profession: Student
hey there....i found ur homepage really interesting and useful....i'm doing my project on ancient civilisations and thank god for ur page! it's really useful...juz wanna say thanx....:o)
This is a test - 07/04/98 12:11:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/8495
My Email:r_azia@hotmail.com Country: Switzerland
Age: 16
To my first guestbook
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