Step Tracking with the Casio ABL-100WE

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The Casio ABL-100WE range of watches look similar to the A-168 range of Casio watches with one key difference. It counts steps like several G-shock watches do but rather than have a massive case that can survive a ten meter drop onto concrete it looks “elegant”, like the a-158, a-168 and other casio models.

This is a water resistant watch, so you shouldn’t go scuba diving with it. It has a battery life of about two years, depending on how you use it. This means that in theory you can place it on your wrist and leave it there for two years, before swapping the battery for a new one.

It has a niche use case. It’s for those that want to count their steps, but aren’t bothered about heart rate and other factors. It gives you that data on your phone via “my page” in the Life Log section. It estimates calories burned and gives you a summary of the step count per day. You can see it per hour if you want to and per week or month. If you want to you can go into the specific watch, go to life log, “Location History Records” and track your location for an hour, up to 24 hours at a time. It will then use the phone’s GPS location to create a track of where you have been during this time. You cannot tell it whether you are running, cycling, walking or other.

More Formal

Unlike the GBD-800, GBA-900 and GBD-200 this watch does not stick out. It is more suited to formal settings. It has more functionality than the A-158, 168 and the F-91W watches so if you’re used to watches that serve a purpose you might prefer the ABL-100WE range.

One key limitation of the Casio Watch App is that it does not share its data with any other app. Some might see this as a bonus, others as a limitation. If you’re looking to wear this watch for Android OS or iOS step counts then this is not the device for you.

And Finally

Suunto, Garmin, Apple, Fitbit and others encourage you to push, and push, and push. With the Casio ABL-100WE models you walk during the day and it keeps track. At the end of the day you see that you took a certain amount of steps and that’s it. There is barely any gamification or pushing you to strive, or demotivating you with negative feedback.

In conclusion, you can get a casio step tracking watch that isn’t a g-shock watch, if you prefer a more elegant/formal appearance for your watch. .