A Two and a Half Hour Walk
Yesterday afternoon I was convinced that I would have a short easy walk, just to get out of the house. In reality I walked from Nyon to Bonmont and back along roads, but also farm paths. I walked this route because I decided that going for a walk would keep me cooler than if I stayed in my apartment.
At first it was going to be a short loop, but eventually I thought “If I walk slowly it doesn’t matter how long I walk for so I modified my course and walked towards Cheserex. I was going to check the lending library in Cheserex but someone was sitting there so I walked by the swimming pool and then up towards Bonmon and across. The grass cutters were out. With so much rain this summer grass is growing fantastically well.
To give you an idea of how well grass is growing, when I walked down from Bonmont I was struck by how many bales of hay I could see. Every field had twenty or more bales of hay. Cattle will have plenty of food this winter.
The other thing that struck me is that I have seen so much wildlife. Thursday I saw a rabbit during a bike ride. Saturday I saw a couple of deer running above Vallorbe, and then yesterday I saw two more deer. I also saw a large murder of crows above Vallorbe near Juraparc. Nature really is thriving, thanks to this wet and rainy summer.
By the end of this walk I could feel that I have had three big days of cycling and walking, and that I should rest today, to avoid injury.
Although yesterday was a long walk, it was a simple walk. It was over flat, even surfaces with a gradual gradiant so my knees didn’t have to work as they did on two previous walks. I still felt fatigue in my feet and shins. If I rest today I will be fine.