A few days ago someone was angry at me for posting too much in a whatsapp chat and I’ve been feeling down because I felt bullied out of the group. I miss sharing project ideas but at the same time it is essential for me to remind myself that just because I am trolled in a whatsapp group does not mean that there are not dozens of other things to do.
This morning as I woke up I decided to strap on the Apple Watch Series 4 and use it for part of the day. In the process I thought that I would check my EKG reading. That’s when I saw that the EKG app is no longer supported on the Apple Watch Series 4. Now is the time when that watch could be recycled. Apple no longer supports it so within half a year to a year it will be vintage.
Recently I was added into a Whatsapp group where people discuss things to do in Geneva as well as more interesting activities a drive from Geneva. I was given admin privilieges on Whatsapp to organise events. In connection to this I shared activity ideas, interesting videos and more related to the topic. Yesterday someone objected to how much I posted so I started a private chat to converse, and when that was done I deleted the post that had triggered him.
Years ago I would drive people to and from glocals activities for free. A diving friend of mine had excellent service. I drove to his home to pick him up, and then drive to dive sites. One day I decided that I wanted to go for a hike with a group, rather than a walk, so I went to Geneva, and asked two or three times, “Is it okay if I do this instead of that” and he said yes.
Every year the Moléson tourism board and related teams provide people with the oppotunity to do the Face, and the Pillar by night. I have wanted to experience this multiple times in the past but because either of work, or weather, I had to cancel the plan to experience this.
The idea is simple. Sunset is at 20:25. People start climbing the VF from 1900 onwards with the option of doing the “easy” Pillar or the hard “Face”.
Normally I like to do things in the morning because I wake naturally between 0600-0800. Today was no exception. I could easily have got ready to do the hike, and then do the via ferrata but the thing that really blocked me is the one hour twenty drive from Le Pont to Moléson-Sur-Gruyère and the one hour drive home late at night. I could have been fine with doing both things but I want to be a hundred percent for this evening.
As a follow up to yesterday’s blog post the last thing that I searched for was the travel times between Nyon and Le Pont, the train time between Le Pont and Vallorbe and the driving time between Le Pont and Moléson-Sur-Gruyère and the time for a little détour to pick someone up near Vevey.
If I was to have a full day tomorrow I would set off at 08:50 or so and drive for one hour to be at the Le Pont Train station by 09:58 and in Vallorbe by 10:18.
Two weeks ago I thought that I would have an issue with this weekend and I was right. I thought that I would want to do a hike with one group, and do a Via Ferrata with a second group. That situation is now a reality.
A Good Hiking Group and a Goal I want to Reach I have wanted to walk up to the Dent De Vaulion for a few weeks now, and on Saturday I have the opportunity to do this with a group, rather than alone.
During the pandemic I became unable to listen to podcasts, watch television series and watch films. Each of these media reminded me of how dreadfully my existence had become during the pandemic. Instead of watching films and television series I listened to tech podcasts and watched people play computer games. The reason for this was simple. It didn’t remind me of my loneliness so it was bearable.
I was watching people play GTA V and a few other games, before eventually losing interest and watching other content.
You may look at a feature phone, or dumb phone, depending on your sense of humour as a fantastic trip back into the past where phones are used for calling people and texting. Whilst this reality may seem enthralling the reality is quite different. A feature phone is old fashioned today.
Modern Mobile Telephony Modern Mobile telephony is about messaging apps such as Signal, Whatsapp and others. If you use a feature phone you may lose your access to both of these instant messaging platforms.