Increase your surfing speed

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Is your internet connection slow, do pages take a long time to load, do you visit certain sites more than others? If your answer to any of these is yes then I suggest that you download Netsonic, a program I have tested which works well, since I’ve installed it my browsing is much faster.

At first it’s normal for the netsonic program to seem a little slower but once you’ve started using it and it some files are cached the surfing speed will be far greater since pages which are constantly visited load faster. There is also another function on it which allows you to pre-fetch pages which are kept in a cache file

What is pre-fetching and what are cache files?

When you visit a webpage there is sometimes a lot of text meaning that you will spend some time reading this text, as you spend time reading the page the modem and the line aren’t been used which is when netsonic comes in. This program is designed to follow the links on different pages and download the pages without you feeling that the connection is slower because it does it when you’re not using the modem, for instance when reading a long text.

When does it’s usefullness appear?

If you have had a hotmail account such as I used to use before you visit this page and you begin to be frustrated at spending quite some time online. What netsonic does is cache pages such that the login page for example loads immediatley as well as certain frames load as soon as you get into the account.

Another way it’s worth is shown is when you’re looking through the school’s online magasine, for example coming to read new articles, if there is a page which you like then as the structure of this magazine will remain the same you can get to the page you want in thirty seconds on a 26,000 modem. This means you have more time to enjoy the page and ultimatly a lower phone bill.