Twitter’s broken again

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Yes, it’s happened yet again, twitter is broken again but in an entirely new way. At first it appeared that twitter had crashed in the old way, that is to say no server response. This time is different though. We’ve got the WML website version showing. The mobile version is now on the web version.

Twitter's broken again

Does this mean we’ll see the replies tab on twitter mobile? I really hope so. I want to see how people respond, no point in tweeting if you’re not listening.

Thanks twitter, for finding yet another interesting way in which to break.

—update— nothing broke, same crap mobile interface as always.


2 responses to “Twitter’s broken again”

  1. This happened to me in the past month.
    I was surprised, but as I just tried to use the mobile phone version on my new phone, I guessed it was the result of that.

    The weird thing is that it never happened since then. You have an idea what and where can cause his problem?
    (Just curiosity. The one that killed the cat.)

  2. I don’t think anything broke, just some minor problems with cookies.

    If you are experiencing this on your mobile device in, say Opera Mini or similar, I suggest clearing you cache and/or cookies.

    I had problems accessing the www version on my BlackBerry as twitter suddenly insisted on showing me the m version every time I accessed with Opera Mini 4 – even after I had repeatedly requested the ‘standard’ www version.

    I deleted my cookies and it is now working again.

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