Today I refuelled the car after 380 kilometres for about 30 CHF. A few years ago, when I refuelled another car it cost me 70 CHF to refuel a car, to travel 400 kilometres. This means that the car I drive now costs half as much, in petrol, despite the price going up by 10-20 centimes per litre.
These days I like to refuel after seven hundred or more kilometres. When I checked the range when driving home today I saw that the projected range was 900 kilometres.
After refueling once per month for years it bothers me to refuel every week or two. When I look at how much I spend but month it has doubled or trebled. When I look at how much I used to spend for the same, with a different car it’s better.
Recently I have been refuelling more regularly because I refuel at a self-service station close to where I often go. It’s cheaper, and it’s automatic. I don’t like going into petrol stations to refuel anymore. I like to be in the fresh air, and the difference could be 10-20 centimes. I hated the idea of paying over two francs per litre.
I plan to use the train more often, especially for linear walks because it simplifies logistics. It is also an opportunity to converse with other event participants. If you go by car, and the train is there for those taking the trains, they will dissapear on the train. If you’re on the train with them the goodbye can take a train journey, rather than a few seconds as they board. It’s for this reason that I decided to get the half-fare for Swiss transport.
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