A view of the Jura on the road to Cheserex with bales of hay waiting to be plastified

The Tyranny of Music Festivals

Reading Time: < 1 minute

For the last week I have been an internally displaced person. When I go to some events they have silent discos and make sure that after 22:00 their noise pollution ends. With Caribana and Paléo the opposite is true. The tyrants have music from 1700-0200 or even earlier the next morning, from Tuesday to Sunday.

Music festivals love to show that they are altermondialistes, that they are about a better world, empathy and more. In reality they’re as bad as the rest of the corporate world. They are corporate, and selfish, thinking of their own event, rather than peoples’ right, and need to sleep. Sleep is a right. Sleep doesn’t get in anyone’s way. Noise does. Noise prevents sleep, and by preventing sleep you make people flee.

Some people flee by stealth, by heading on holidays. I was internally displaced for the duration of this week, until tomorrow morning. Music festivals claim to favour culture and empathy but in the 21st century they prove that they are antiquated, but not in a good sense. A traditional folk festival would have been with musical instruments, rather than speakers.

Festivals and other music events rely on loud speakers, so the noise that would have filled a village square fills the entire landscape, from the lake side to La Barrillette and beyond, to many villages nearby. Sleep becomes impossible. How is this showing the values that music festivals claim to have? I wish festivals would show empathy for neighbouring villages. I shouldn’t have been internally displaced, for a week, because of a festival. Especially in a country where noise pollution is meant to be controlled.